What Did 1950s Men Do for Recreation?

The 1950s was a remarkable era characterized by post-war prosperity, technological advancements, and shifting societal dynamics. During this period, men sought various recreational activities to unwind from the demands of work and family life. Recreation played a vital role in providing an outlet for relaxation, fostering social connections, and shaping the cultural landscape. In this article, we will delve into the diverse range of recreational pursuits that 1950s men engaged in and explore the significance of these activities in the context of the era.


The 1950s marked a significant moment in history, where men embraced recreational activities as a means to find solace and connection amidst the changing world. The aftermath of World War II brought about a sense of optimism and prosperity, leading to increased disposable income and leisure time for individuals. It was a time when men sought to balance their roles as breadwinners with the need for personal fulfillment and enjoyment.

Recreation during the 1950s held a special place in the hearts of men as they sought avenues to unwind, explore their interests, and connect with like-minded individuals. Engaging in recreational activities allowed them to escape the pressures of everyday life and embrace a sense of freedom and fulfillment. Whether it was through sports, entertainment, or family-oriented pursuits, recreation played a vital role in shaping the experiences and memories of men during this era.

Join me as we embark on a journey to uncover the captivating recreational activities that defined the lives of 1950s men. We will delve into sports and athletics, outdoor adventures, social clubs, entertainment and leisure pursuits, family-oriented recreation, and the trends that shaped the recreational landscape of the 1950s.

So, what did 1950s men do for recreation? Let’s dive in and explore the exhilarating world of leisure and entertainment that captivated the hearts and minds of men during this transformative era.

Popular Recreational Activities for Men in the 1950s

The 1950s witnessed a surge in sports and athletic activities, offering men an opportunity to engage in friendly competition and showcase their physical prowess. Let’s explore some of the popular sports that enthralled men during this era.

A. Sports and Athletics

1. Baseball

Baseball captured the hearts of millions during the 1950s. Whether it was playing in local leagues or cheering for their favorite teams, men found solace in the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd. The era witnessed legendary players like Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays, who became icons of the sport.

2. Football

Football emerged as a beloved sport, captivating men across the nation. From high school games to professional leagues, the thrill of the gridiron united communities. The 1950s saw the rise of iconic football players like Johnny Unitas and Jim Brown, leaving an indelible mark on the sport’s history.

3. Basketball

Basketball gained popularity as a fast-paced and exhilarating sport during the 1950s. Men flocked to local courts to showcase their skills and engage in friendly pick-up games. The era witnessed the birth of the NBA and legendary players such as Bill Russell and Jerry West.

4. Golf

For those seeking a more leisurely yet competitive pursuit, golf provided the perfect escape. Men enjoyed honing their swing on lush greens and bonding over rounds of golf. Icons like Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus captivated the golfing world, inspiring men to take up the sport.

B. Outdoor Activities

The 1950s offered men the opportunity to reconnect with nature through various outdoor activities. Let’s explore some of the popular pursuits that allowed men to embrace the great outdoors.

1. Fishing

Fishing provided a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Men would set out on fishing trips, casting their lines into serene lakes and rivers. Whether it was for relaxation or the thrill of reeling in a big catch, fishing offered a peaceful respite.

2. Hunting

Hunting served as both a recreational activity and a means of providing sustenance for families. Men would venture into the wilderness, tracking game and honing their marksmanship skills. The pursuit of wild game offered a sense of adventure and provided a connection to nature.

3. Camping

Camping became a cherished pastime for men in the 1950s. Whether it was setting up tents in national parks or embarking on family camping trips, the allure of sleeping under the stars and immersing oneself in nature was irresistible. Campfires, storytelling, and outdoor cooking created lasting memories.

4. Hiking

Men embraced the call of the wild by exploring hiking trails and conquering nature’s peaks. Hiking allowed them to challenge themselves physically and mentally while basking in the beauty of scenic landscapes. From short day hikes to longer expeditions, the 1950s saw a surge in men seeking adventure on foot.

C. Social Clubs and Organizations

In addition to sports and outdoor pursuits, men found camaraderie and a sense of belonging in various social clubs and organizations. Let’s explore some of the popular groups that brought men together.

1. Fraternities

Fraternities provided a platform for men to form lifelong bonds and create lasting memories. These organizations fostered brotherhood, social activities, and community service, allowing men to forge friendships that extended beyond their college years.

2. Rotary Clubs

Rotary Clubs became a hub for men to engage in community service, networking, and professional development. These clubs focused on fostering goodwill and making a positive impact on society, providing men with a sense of purpose and connection.

3. Lions Clubs

Lions Clubs emerged as an avenue for men to engage in philanthropy and serve their local communities. These clubs focused on humanitarian efforts and made a significant impact through initiatives such as vision care, disaster relief, and youth programs.

4. Masonic Lodges

Masonic Lodges provided men with a space for personal growth, moral teachings, and fellowship. These fraternal organizations emphasized values such as brotherhood, integrity, and charity, allowing men to connect on a deeper level and contribute to their communities.

Stay tuned as we continue our journey through the vibrant recreational landscape of the 1950s, exploring the realms of entertainment, family-oriented recreation, and the cultural trends that shaped this remarkable era.

Entertainment and Leisure Pursuits

In the vibrant and dynamic 1950s, men sought various forms of entertainment and leisure activities to add excitement and joy to their lives. From the rhythmic beats of music and dance to the captivating world of movies and television, as well as the thrill of gaming and gambling, recreational pursuits during this era offered men a chance to unwind and immerse themselves in the cultural zeitgeist.

A. Music and Dance

1. Rock and Roll: The emergence of rock and roll music in the 1950s revolutionized the music industry and captivated the hearts of men. Artists like Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and Buddy Holly enchanted audiences with their energetic performances and rebellious spirit. Men would gather to dance and groove to the infectious rhythms of this new genre, embracing the freedom and individuality it represented.

2. Swing Dancing: Swing dancing continued to be a popular form of recreation, harking back to the big band era of the 1940s. Men would join dance clubs or attend social gatherings where they could showcase their moves, swing their partners, and relish the vibrant atmosphere. Swing dancing was not only a way to have fun but also an opportunity to connect with others and express oneself through movement.

3. Jukeboxes and Record Players: Men would often spend leisure time at diners, cafes, or bars, enjoying the company of friends and the nostalgic tunes emanating from jukeboxes. These music-playing machines became a staple in establishments, allowing men to choose their favorite songs and create a lively ambiance. Additionally, record players at home provided a means for personal enjoyment and relaxation.

B. Movies and Television

1. Drive-in Theaters: Drive-in theaters gained immense popularity during the 1950s, offering a unique movie-watching experience for men and their families. They could enjoy the latest films from the comfort of their cars, surrounded by a lively atmosphere. Drive-in theaters became places where men could unwind, enjoy a date night, or create lasting memories with loved ones.

2. Popular TV shows of the 1950s: Television rapidly became a household staple during this era. Men eagerly followed popular TV shows such as “I Love Lucy,” “The Twilight Zone,” and “Gunsmoke.” These shows provided a window into different worlds, offering entertainment, laughter, and suspense. Gathering around the television with family and friends became a cherished pastime for men.

3. Westerns and War movies: Westerns and war movies captured the imaginations of men in the 1950s. Films like “High Noon” and “The Searchers” transported audiences to the wild frontier, while war movies like “The Bridge on the River Kwai” and “Paths of Glory” depicted heroic tales and explored the complexities of war. These movies provided an escape into thrilling narratives and allowed men to connect with stories of bravery and adventure.

C. Gaming and Gambling

1. Card games: Card games like poker, bridge, and gin rummy were popular recreational activities among men. Whether engaging in friendly games with friends or participating in organized tournaments, card games provided an opportunity for socialization, strategic thinking, and friendly competition. Men would gather around tables, cards in hand, ready to test their skills and enjoy the camaraderie.

2. Board games: Board games such as Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue entertained men during leisure hours. These games encouraged strategic thinking, problem-solving, and friendly rivalry. Whether played with family or friends, board games offered an interactive and engaging way to spend quality time and create lasting memories.

3. Casino nights: For those seeking a touch of glamour and excitement, casino nights became a popular form of recreation. Men would gather for friendly gambling sessions, playing games like roulette, blackjack, or craps. These events allowed them to experience the thrill of chance while enjoying the company of fellow enthusiasts.

Join me in the next sections as we explore more intriguing aspects of 1950s men’s recreational activities, including family-oriented pursuits and the trends that shaped leisure during this transformative era.

Family-Oriented Recreation

The 1950s was an era that placed a strong emphasis on family values and togetherness. Men in this period actively sought out recreational activities that could be enjoyed with their families, creating lasting memories and strengthening the bond between generations. Let’s explore some of the family-oriented recreational pursuits that were popular during the 1950s.

A. Picnics and Barbecues

  1. Backyard cookouts: Backyards became the gathering place for families to enjoy delicious barbecued meals. Men took pride in grilling up hamburgers, hot dogs, and steaks on their trusty charcoal grills. These backyard cookouts offered an opportunity for men to showcase their culinary skills while bonding with their loved ones.

  2. Park gatherings: Families often flocked to local parks for picnics. Men would pack the picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and homemade treats, while children eagerly played on swings and slides. These outings allowed men to spend quality time with their families in the serene beauty of nature.

B. Road Trips and Travel

  1. Family vacations: The 1950s witnessed the rise of the American road trip. Families embarked on adventures, piling into their cars and exploring the vast landscapes of the country. Men took charge of planning these vacations, ensuring that their loved ones experienced the joy of new destinations, national parks, and iconic landmarks.

  2. Car culture and exploration: The growing fascination with cars during the 1950s paved the way for men to explore beyond their immediate surroundings. Whether it was a leisurely drive along scenic routes or discovering hidden gems, men embraced the freedom of the open road, creating cherished memories with their families.

C. Family Games and Sports

  1. Baseball games with children: Baseball was not only a popular sport but also a cherished pastime for families in the 1950s. Men would organize friendly games in the backyard, teaching their children the fundamentals of the sport while fostering a sense of camaraderie.

  2. Football matches in the backyard: The 1950s witnessed the rise of American football as a beloved sport. Men would gather their families for spirited backyard matches, passing on their love for the game to the next generation. These friendly competitions brought families closer together through shared excitement and friendly rivalry.

In an era where family values were paramount, men in the 1950s embraced family-oriented recreational activities, creating cherished moments of togetherness and bonding. Whether it was enjoying a picnic in the park, embarking on road trips, or engaging in friendly backyard games, these activities allowed men to be not only providers but also active participants in their family’s joy and happiness.

Recreational Trends in the 1950s

The 1950s was a time of immense change, and these shifts also influenced the recreational trends that emerged during this era. Let’s explore three key factors that shaped the recreational landscape of the 1950s: the influence of post-war prosperity, the impact of television and media, and the changing gender roles and their effect on recreation.

A. Influence of Post-War Prosperity

  1. Increased disposable income: The end of World War II brought about a newfound economic prosperity, leading to higher disposable incomes for many individuals. With more money to spare, men had the means to indulge in recreational activities they previously couldn’t afford. This newfound wealth allowed them to explore their interests, join clubs, and partake in leisure pursuits that were once considered luxuries.

  2. Technological advancements: The 1950s witnessed remarkable advancements in technology, which further influenced recreational trends. From the rise of the automobile culture, making road trips and travel more accessible, to the introduction of new gadgets and appliances, such as television sets and hi-fi systems, technology played a significant role in shaping the recreational experiences of men during this era.

B. Impact of Television and Media

  1. Shaping popular culture: Television became a dominant force in the 1950s, influencing popular culture and leisure activities. Men eagerly tuned in to watch their favorite TV shows, such as “I Love Lucy” or “The Twilight Zone,” which provided a form of entertainment and escape. Television also played a role in introducing new trends and fads, influencing the recreational choices of men.

  2. Advertising and consumerism: The rise of television advertising fueled consumerism and influenced recreational choices. Advertisements showcased the latest products, from cars to sporting equipment, enticing men to participate in specific recreational activities. This consumer-driven culture had a profound impact on the recreational landscape, as men sought to align themselves with the latest trends and products.

C. Changing Gender Roles and Recreation

  1. Men as breadwinners and leisure activities: The 1950s was characterized by traditional gender roles, with men primarily seen as the breadwinners of the family. As a result, recreational activities provided a much-needed escape from the pressures of work and family responsibilities. Men sought leisure pursuits that allowed them to assert their masculinity and find personal fulfillment outside of their professional roles.

  2. Impact on family dynamics: The changing gender roles during the 1950s also had an impact on family dynamics and, consequently, recreational choices. Men’s recreational activities often involved family-oriented pursuits, such as picnics, barbecues, and sports activities with their children. These activities provided an opportunity for men to bond with their families and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, the recreational trends of the 1950s were influenced by post-war prosperity, advancements in technology, the emergence of television and media, and shifting gender roles. These factors shaped the choices and experiences of men during this transformative era, creating a unique recreational landscape that reflected the aspirations and desires of the time.

Section VI: Conclusion

In conclusion, the 1950s was a vibrant era filled with diverse recreational activities that allowed men to unwind, explore their interests, and forge meaningful connections. From engaging in sports and athletics to embracing entertainment and leisure pursuits, men of the 1950s found solace and fulfillment in their recreational endeavors.

The post-war prosperity and technological advancements of the time provided men with increased disposable income and leisure time, enabling them to participate in various recreational activities. Sports such as baseball, football, basketball, and golf allowed men to showcase their physical prowess and competitive spirit. Outdoor adventures like fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking allowed them to reconnect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors.

Social clubs and organizations, such as fraternities, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, and Masonic Lodges, provided men with opportunities to build camaraderie, engage in community service, and expand their social networks. The 1950s also witnessed a boom in entertainment, with rock and roll music, swing dancing, movies, and television captivating the hearts and minds of men across the nation.

Family-oriented recreation played a significant role in the lives of 1950s men, fostering bonding and creating lasting memories. Picnics, barbecues, road trips, and family games and sports allowed men to strengthen family ties and enjoy quality time with their loved ones.

The recreational trends of the 1950s were influenced by post-war prosperity, the impact of television and media, and changing gender roles. These trends not only shaped the recreational landscape of the era but also left a lasting impact on the cultural fabric of society.

In summary, the 1950s was a time of immense recreation and leisure for men. Engaging in a range of activities allowed them to find solace, connect with others, and create lasting memories. The legacy of 1950s recreational pursuits continues to shape our understanding of the era, highlighting the importance of leisure and enjoyment in the fabric of society.

Join me in celebrating the captivating world of 1950s men’s recreation and let us marvel at the diverse and enriching activities that brought joy and fulfillment to their lives.